A Small Step Toward Justice for George Floyd: Our Statement on the Conviction of Derek Chauvin


Three hundred and thirty days have passed since George Floyd’s life was taken. For many of us, those past three hundred and thirty days have felt like a lifetime. 

The Multiracial Jewish Association of Minnesota supports the conviction of Derek Chauvin on all three counts. This is the first time in Minnesota state history that a white officer has been held accountable for killing a black man. The world can finally call this horrific act of violence against George Floyd what we knew it to be all along: murder. 

This verdict cannot restore Mr. Floyd’s life or the great loss to his family. This verdict does not erase the centuries of trauma to the Black community. True justice would mean George Floyd was alive today. And Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, Philando Castile, Breonna Taylor, and countless others.

These issues are systemic and extend far beyond the bad acts of a few police officers. They are deeply rooted in the law enforcement and justice systems, defined by practices like profiling, disparate treatment, and excessive use of force against Black and brown communities. 

The work is far from over. We know that this verdict is an exception to a long history of acquittals and failure to charge police officers. We are cautiously hopeful, knowing that just days ago, Daunte Wright was killed by a Brooklyn Center police officer. With this in mind, we are all called to continue to fight for a more just future. A more fair justice system. A less militant law enforcement system that can truly protect and serve the people. A world where every life reaches its fullest potential. 

As an organization, MJA holds firm in our continued commitment to pursuing justice and peace for the BIPOC community–pursuing equity, empowerment, and a true sense of community for BIPOC and JOCSM in every space we occupy. We are eager to work with our allies and supporters in reaching these goals. 

We pray:
Please, Holy One, remove all suffering and grief. rule over us, Eternal, You alone, with love and with compassion. Help us achieve justice through the rule of law. Blessed are you, Adonai, who loves righteousness and peace.