We mourn the wrongful death of Daunte Wright


MJA extends its condolences and shared sense of loss to the family of Daunte Wright who was shot by a Brooklyn Center police officer on Sunday evening.  Yet, again, we find ourselves at the crossroads of tragedy and injustice in what appears to be another avoidable death at the hands of the police. 

We have few words, and no answers, but as an organization we are here to support our community and any individual who wants to connect in this difficult time. 

While it is true that we must vigilantly sound our voices in a call for justice, it is essential that we do so in peace, as Daunte’s mother requested. 

Change is long overdue. The mere fact that an officer could “accidentally” take the life of another human requires dramatic change in our system. We support community efforts to re-examine police response to non-threatening conduct. 

May Daunte’s memory be a blessing and may justice prevail in his memory.


The MJA Leadership Team